The Einstein School

Year Founded

Average Student-Teacher Ratio

Grade Levels

Students Enrolled

College Placement

2024 College
Scholarship Offers
Tuition at Einstein School is $17,175 for all grade levels. Our fee is comprehensive and covers college and career counseling, and many events, field trips, and school-sponsored activities.
How to Apply
It can be daunting to seek private school admission for your child, but at Einstein, we try to make the process as smooth as possible. Your family's journey begins with a phone call to our Executive Director, Dr. Jan Van Blarcum, with whom you will discuss your child's academic and developmental needs and explore what Einstein can offer.
After this initial conversation, parents will be invited to tour our campus and meet our teachers and staff. Potential students are then invited to visit Einstein for a day, previewing classes that have been selected to provide good matches, both academically and with peers.
At the end of the student’s visitation period, we gather feedback from teachers and from you, the parents. Families that are ready for the next step will be invited to enroll. Einstein School offers rolling admissions so that we can begin meeting your child’s needs at any time during the academic year.
Learn More
Hours of Operation
Office hours are Monday through Friday,
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
4011 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: (972) 564-8040