Performing Arts at Einstein School

Year founded

Average Student Ratio

Grade Levels

Students Enrolled

College Placement

2024 College Scholarship Offers
Performing Arts at Einstein School
Einstein School offers a robust Performing Arts Academy to all Einstein students who are interested in pursuing theatre and music. The areas of study include theatre arts, musical theatre, choir, speech, set design, theatre tech and more.
The Einstein School Players put on two full length productions each school year. There is also the opportunity to earn points for induction into the International Thespian Society.
Our Performing Arts program is guided by the philosophy that Performing Arts offers something for everyone by teaching lessons about perseverance and teamwork that students can apply to any future skill.
The ensemble nature of our performance group, The Einstein School Players, and of our choir, The Voice of Einstein. reflect these values.The Einstein School Players – our Einstein School theatre company – is where students learn to act, sing, and dance. Every fall, students perform a play, and in the spring, they perform a musical. As cast and crew, students learn the ins-and-outs of theatre production, building concentration, motivation and confidence. Together, students learn the importance of perseverance and the joys of teamwork, delighting in a job well done. At Einstein, we inspire our students to color outside the lines and to apply the lessons they learn in theatre to the rest of their lives and educational career.
Einstein's Junior Players work on improvisational skills, skits, speech, and musical theatre songs, and also have performances twice per year.
Frequently asked questions about Performing Arts
Where do you perform your shows?
We perform our Fall and Spring productions at both the Plano Courtyard Theatre and Cox Playhouse.
Are there specific requirements for a Performing Arts student?
Yes. Every student in Performing Arts must participate in every production, either in the cast or on the crew. This is their major grade for each semester.
Does a student have to have experience in order to join Performing Arts?
No, our program caters to every experience level!
What types of shows do you produce?
The Einstein School Players perform a play every Fall, and a musical each Spring.
Do you have a chapter of The International Thespian Society?
Yes! Qualifying Performing Arts students are inducted every Fall. The Society is an Honors Society for Performing Arts Students. It offers educational opportunities, performance opportunities, and college scholarships for members.