The Einstein School is hosting a Soles4Souls shoe drive, 4 the Planet during the month of April.
Repurposing something as simple as a pair of shoes can preserve our planet for the
future and help empower people in need around the globe.
Learn more about Soles4Souls at
Bring new and gently worn shoes to the Einstein School campus between April 1 and April 29.
All shoes will be donated to the non-profit organization Soles4Souls
Soles4Souls creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around
the world. Since 2006, Soles4Souls has distributed 40 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes in 127
countries. Soles4Souls is a four-star charity rated by Charity Navigator.
Did you know that 767 million people around the world live on less than
$1.90 per day? For many in developing nations, finding a reliable job that
generates a sustainable income is not easy. What if you could
help people around the world overcome these obstacles by giving them
the tools they need to provide for themselves and their families and keep
shoes out of landfills!?
Soles4Souls is committed to protecting the environment and helping
people around the world create small businesses selling new and gently
worn shoes. The shoes you collect are the tools they need to start and
sustain small businesses of their own. Help create long-term solutions to
global poverty! Let’s get started!